
Music ǁ Keeping you alive while you work playlist

Hi guys! So this is a quick post I thought I'd share while taking a break from work.
Most often I find that I work better with some sort of music playing softly in the background while I work. Instead of being distracting, it helps me focus better than if I were in a silent room. I get waaaaay too distracted by all my muddled up thoughts if the room is silent. At the moment, the above songs serve me well, being soothing without ruining my concentration, and I don't get bored.

What are your techniques for better productivity?


  1. I love Bon Iver! You have an awesome blog!

    ~Racic | Washed by the Water

    1. There's just something sooo calming about his music, isn't there!
      Thank you so much for your comment, Racic! That means a lot to me :) Have a nice day!

      Minna xx

    2. There's just something sooo calming about his music, isn't there!
      Thank you so much for your comment, Racic! That means a lot to me :) Have a nice day!

      Minna xx

  2. Oh my God! I love each and every song you put up there! I'm currently in a bit of a Mumford and Sons Frenzy, I can't get over their music!

    Completely agree about background music, it keeps me sane from over-analysing things!

    Golden Ducklings

    P.S. Love your blog! ollowed you via bloglovin'! xx

    1. Thank you so much Rachel!
      Mumford and Sons are my go to musicians. If I want to feel anything, whether it's pain, anguish, nostalgia or unabashed euphoria, I'm pretty sure I'll find a song by them to cover them all.
      Hoping to hear more music recommendations from you, since we seem to have similar tastes. :)

      Minna xx


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